Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sugar and some hostile behaviors...

are being demonstrated towards our very own Mindy.

Okay, besides Mindy needing to be lifted onto furniture and such - there are no additional rights or privileges that she receives.

But, I think Sugar becomes a little jealous because she then ends up in this competition ring with Mindy. Examples are chasing her to the kitchen or any room. After being let outside Sugar will corral Mindy with a gentle nab at her neck as they push towards the yard.

Sugar will also sit in front of the blanket in the kitchen on the floor and guard the door so to speak. Mindy will be about 2 ft away from entering the kitchen and Sugar will let out this low guttural growl, that leads me to say "Sugar be nice to Mindy!" Thank god Mindy is oblivious :)

Does any of this sound familiar?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sugar is very jealous. One solution is that I would also give her a little lift after moving Mindy. You could tell her Sugar's eyes or behavior when she wants the same treatment or equal rights. After I put Mindy on the floor, if Sugar stares at me, I usually put my hands under her and do a little weight-lifting move. She is usually happier after that.