Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Unknown Yogi Master

Sugar has decided to accept me as a student, she decided I needed a lot of training. In yoga that is. Over the years I've bought books and taken various yoga classes. I enjoy it when I'm doing it but can't seem to make a habit of it.

Well, the other day, even though I know she does this out of any resting position she got off the bed and did this....

This every day stretch for little Sugar is in fact the yoga pose, downward dog!

I realized then that Sugar is very mindful when it comes to her stretches. She will stretch every time she gets up from a resting position - I would like to follow her example. Maybe then my hamstrings would not be so tight and I could go into the pose like a pro.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sugar and I have this routine. When she stretches like that, I sometimes would rub her butt, which is way in the air. She would stay in the position for as long as I am rubbing her.

Sugar is cute, cute