Friday, May 11, 2007

We have a racer and a beggar :)

Sugar is the official representative of the racers. Whether we leave the bedroom to go outside or come in from outside to the kitchen. She races Mindy and me. I sometimes win, although she is close at my heels.

I wish I could post a video of this... it would be hilarious! I laugh hard every time. If you haven't figured it out I am very easily entertained. Another reason why the doggies and I get along so famously.

Mindy the other hand reaches a whole new level of begging where you think she might actually just take the food from you. It is amusing! Sugar, the plumper one, you'd think would be the leader. She will just lay on the floor looking while every once in awhile falling asleep. Mindy stares and does her dry bark. I laugh every time. I don't tease them, just so you know. =)

So yes, in summary: Stout Sugar = racer & Minnie Mindy = Me want food. Full of irony!

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