Monday, May 28, 2007

Outside doggie adventures!

Well adventures might be exaggerating just slightly. The girls sat outside while I swept the front patio and filled up the yard waste bag some more. They also joined me on the deck while mowing the back yard.

I began my day by discovering a deceased sparrow on the stoop to the front door. Very very sad. I was able to remove it before the girls were let out. Sugar didn't even catch the scent.

Some observations of the girls while outside today:
Mindy enjoys laying on the front patio but not on the deck, even with a blanket. I think she must have felt bad I was mowing the grass all by myself, so she came out in the yard every so often to walk with me (at a safe distance). Sugar, on the other hand, felt confident in my abilities, so she continued her managing from the comfort of the blanket.

The girls say hello and Happy Memorial Day to their Mom and Dad!



Anonymous said...

You know what it is with Mindy she always wants to be where she might see other dogs so the back yard is completely boring to her. That is why she wants to walk and not go out in back. Mindy never liked ths sun like Sugar either. We saw a cute crystal pig that looked just like Mindy today but it was $250 so wasn't even good for a joke.
Glad you moved the sick sparrow and hope that isn't a bad sign - remember the sick crows last year that had West Nile???
We are at the Hard Rock Cafe in Praque. Praque is beautiful.
Nice to hear from all of you.

Anonymous said...

That makes complete sense now! Mindy is definitely the more social one, when on walks. I loved that she kept coming in the backyard to visit me and always with that 'happy' look on her face!