Friday, May 11, 2007

Conspiracy Theorist

While outside Sugar became amused again with her week old raw hide I gave her. She carried it off the deck about 2ft and placed it in the grass. Mindy, I had just set down on the deck after being in the lounge chair. Started to walk around the picnic table by the grill. All of this at least 10 ft away from Sugar.

Sugar begins that low guttural growl and snaps her body towards Mindy in attempts for a quick defense. Mind you Mindy is still barely around the corner of the picnic table. Sugar then pounced on the lawn and grabbed the raw hide in her mouth, all while growling in her throat.

Mindy continued to walk around the table then towards me and back around the table. Completely oblivious to what Sugar was doing. Sugar continued to feign possessiveness over that portion of the yard and raw hide. Much to my amusement.

Somebody took her 'paranoia pill' today (Sugar).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mindy is the most gentle dog when it comes to her food. I could take anything away from her mouth, even bones. When she was younger, I always thought to myself that, maybe, one of these days she was going to get mad and bite my fingers off. Never happened.

Sugar, on the other hand, almost broke my skin one time.