I couldn't control myself and bought 3 more potted herb plants; rosemary, dill, and thyme. We got a few more things and headed home.
When we got home I took advantage of the weather and mowed the lawn. The girls of course were on the front patio. Jeremy got the trimmer and worked on the edges I could not. He also potted some green bean and asparagus seeds. We decided to take advantage of the great sunlight your deck offers.
After this work nothing was more satisfying then a home cooked meal. We had a spinach salad with baby bellas, tomato, and onion. Turkey-chicken portabella sausages. I used up some of your red potatoes by roasting them in the oven with fresh herbs (rosemary, basil, oregano, and thyme) out of our new herb garden and olive oil. They were more than delicious! Jeremy grilled a tin of vegetables along with the sausages.... mmmmm. He combined asparagus, broccoli, garlic, onion, and mushrooms along with olive oil, herbs and seasonings.
If you're not jealous yet..... for desert we had fresh out of the oven banana bread I made earlier.
Yeah everything was mmm-tastic!
Jealous much? :)
how is the weather over there? It has rained for 3 days now. Luckily, it is light rains. Locals think that they really need the rain.
Hi Michelle et al,
For some reason I didn't know Y had left a message after your note here. I was thinking it might be nice if you could just adapt to the small bedroom and the crummy shower and stay on and cook for us when we get home.
You were lucky to catch this picture before Sugar was done stretching. By the time I get the camera the moment is usually gone.
Thanks for all the news.
Hi Michelle & Jeramy,
I have given thought about you planting asparagus seeds Jeramy - That was what Yangling did and I went to Menards and got their package of root stuff - it is rather a large bag and I think the tiniest spinliest pieces are from Yangling seeds and the big robust pieces are from my planting. I think seeds take a very long time to mature - I mean years. Oh well you are young and have lots of time. Maybe Michelle you should go get the root stuff and see who gets asparagus first!! It is in the back of the first aisle on the left of the store - I know they have things there again this year - they sell onion sets and rhubarb I think. Do you see the chives growing in the little corner garden on the outside of the fence and there are chives along the west fence also. Please use all you can. When it gets out of hand I just cut it way back. It might be flowering by now - it is rather pretty.
Hi to the girls.
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